Want to improve you English? Take a look at our options for you in Hastings.

Junior and Over 18 Activity Programme

Study English in the mornings with fully qualified teachers and participate in fun activities in the afternoons.
  • Minimum age: 8+
  • Minimum English level: Elementary
  • Over 18 Activity Programme may run between fixed dates during the summer

Executive Networking Courses

Get to know like minded professionals and executives while you study English. Improve your language skills and network.
  • Recommended age: 25+
  • Recommended English level: Pre-Intermediate and above

Leadership and Public Speaking Courses

The course equips young people with the skills needed to speak with impact and presence in future presentations and also to participate in meetings with confidence, clarity and harmony.
  • Recommended age: 16+
  • Minimum English level: Upper-Intermediate

Vlogging Courses

Introduction to vlogging. An exciting crash course about content production. Discover the world of video blogs and find out more about the best practices.
  • Recommended age: 13+
  • Recommended English level: Intermediate and above

Pay your fees in instalments

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